Thursday, September 10, 2009

Human faces of the farm

This is Andy McFate leaning on the truck and I, Geoffrey Steen. I graduated from Warren Wilson College in December 08 and began farming on leased land in January. I am currently addicted to carving out a beautiful space on the farm for people to learn about plants, animals, and how human beings can actively improve the productive landscape of a farm for others and themselves through sustainable management.

With an immense amount of help from friends who share my dream, especially Andy McFate, a fine carpenter, a budding woodworker, and a capable farmer, this dream is taking shape(s) and the farm is moving ahead with construction projects and improvements. It feels wonderful to share a dream that began so personally with friends and watch it change organically with their spectacular energy and ideas, yet still make progress toward common goals.

Here's one of the most significant faces of the farm, Mr. Kevin Lane. He originally hails from Roanoke, VA and graduated from Warren Wilson College May 2008. After joining me milking two cows in March, we managed to jointly purchase 10 acres of land as part of Raven Ridge Farm.

Kevin enjoys fine Chinese teas, eating multi-course meals slowly in a collective setting, running very long distances over beautiful mountain terrain and meditating as much as possible. Kevin's constant friendship, silent wisdom and steady temperament have made him an integral part of building the farm. It's with great pleasure that I tell visitors how we work together at Raven Ridge Farm--it's a three-person cooperative between Kevin, Andy and I. There are no two men I would rather be working with than these two special souls.

Jeremy came from Wilmington and by chance came up to Marshall. He now plans to winter here on the farm, staying in a tent along with Andy, Kevin and I, while helping out with building projects, the perimeter fencing job, and planting trees. He tentatively plans on going west on his bike in the spring. We look forward to getting better acquainted with Jeremy and feeding him as best we can with butter and whole milk yogurt.

Lunch at the Farm Cafe with Mr. Sid Jordan, on the right. He's the executive director of the Prama Institute, a holistic retreat and conference center next door, ( as well as the lending hand and inspiration for me to begin the farm here. He's purchased about 140 acres as part of an intentional neighborhood that Raven Ridge Farm is a mutual neighbor and collaborator with.
Andy Duggins McFate enjoys morning coffee with whole milk and molasses, evening 'chicken chores' & 'duck duties', milking Nandi (probably our sweetest Jersey cow), and spinning beautiful & functional objects out of wood on the first try. This woodwork includes but is not limited to, the milk parlor and fine Shaker chairs of red Oak. He will begin selling handmade Shaker chairs shortly. Contact the farm phone, (828) 649-9261 for details or else digitally by his email,

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